Friday, July 11, 2008

The NSPRA Seminar

Just got back from the seminar of the National School Public Relations Association held in Washington, D. C. It was great!

The weather cooperated and the ideas were plentiful. One of the keynoters was Daniel Pink.

His thought-provoking ideas included the fact that we have an overabundance of most everything here in the U.S. in our households. From cellphones to TV's to microwave ovens, we've become saturated with lots of "stuff" (my term not his). While at the same time routine tasks can be done more cheaply in other countries and routine will follow the route to the place where it can be done most cheaply (Think $15,000 annual salary in India for the same tasks that have an associated salary of $60,000 here in the U.S).

His recognition that we need to either create something new (think the IPhone) or redesign something already in existance (think designer toilet brushes).

His concern was that we aren't teaching the skills that permit most of our young people to think productively in these two areas; the very areas which we need to survive and thrive.

Daniel Pink's thoughts were well considered. I'm looking forward to reading one of his two published books.
