Friday, October 05, 2007

This is a blog about public relations. If you want public relations information, want to post a PR problem, or just want to comment, you've come to the right place.Public Relations has a formal textbook definition, but here, we're going to think of it as working to provide information to various publics; information about your organization. Further, we're going to recognize that information needs to come back from those same publics in order to help guide the organization.Shucks, that still sounds a little formal, but PR is communicating both inside and outside your organization. As one of my mentors, Ned Hubbel used to say, "The four points to good public relations are these:1. Have a good program.2. Have a good program.3. Have a good program.4. Let people know about it.Ned has since passed on, but that advice still holds true.Dick


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